
Amphissa in Phocis is also known under the medieval name Salona. In ancient times Amphissa was the capital of the so-called Stinking-Lokrians. The main attraction in the city is the impressive Frankish castle which (seriously dilapidated) lies on the remains of the ancient acropolis. Some remains of Classical and Hellenistic walls can still be seen. The city was destroyed several times, first by Philippos II in 339, again in the Middle Ages by the Bulgarians, after which the Franks built the city for the last time under the name of Salona, ​​a county that fell under the kings of Salonika (Thessaloniki). The Picardian crusaders of Autremencourt had their residenance here until the last of this family fell in the battle of the Golden Spurs of 1311 against the Catalan robber knights. The Turks captured Salona in 1394, who had previously been called to help by the Bishop of Amphissalona to punish Helena Asenina Kantakouzena’s relationship with a priest. In 1821, Salona was one of the first places in Greece to be liberated from the Turks. The remains of the Franco-Turkish castle are idyllically surrounded by forests.

Below left: the conquest of Salona, ​​by the French painter Louis Dupré