The 'Throne of Bathykles'

On the front and back it is supported by two Graces and two Horai; on the left are Echidna and Typhon, on the right are Tritons. Describing the reliefs in detail one by one would be too exhausting for my readers. I will therefore briefly mention them, because most of the scenes are not unknown: Taÿgete, a daughter of Atlas and her sister Alkyone, are carried away by Poseidon and Zeus. There is also a relief of Atlas, the duel between Heracles and Kyknos and the battle with the Centaurs at Pholos. (11) Why Bathykles has depicted the so-called Minotauros alive, tied to a rope and carried by Theseus, I do not know. There is also a dance of the Phaiaks on the “throne”, with Demodokos as the singer. The adventure of Perseus and Medusa is depicted. If we skip the fight between Heracles and the giant Thourios and of Tyndareos against Eurytos, you have the robbery of the Leukippos daughters. You see Dionysos and Heracles, the first still a baby, who is taken to heaven by Hermes; Athena leads Heracles, who will continue to live with the gods from that moment on. (12) Peleus hands Achilles over to Chiron to grow up with him, of whom the myth tells that he was also his teacher. Kephalos is kidnapped by Hemera for its beauty and the gods bring gifts for Harmonia’s wedding. There is a relief of the duel between Achilles and Memnon and a Heracles punishing the Thracian King Diomedes, as well as Nessos by the river Euenos. Hermes brings the goddesses to Paris to judge them, Adrastos and Tydeus put an end to the battle between Amphiaraos and Lykourgos, the son of Pronax. Hera looks diagonally at Io, the daughter of the river Inachos, who is already a cow and Athena is on the run from Hephaistos, who is chasing her. In addition, the works of Heracles are depicted with the Hydra and how he carries the dog of Hades up. Anaxis and Mnasinous are both on horseback, and one horse carries Megapenthes, the son of Menelaus and Nikostratos. Bellerophon kills the monster in Lykia and Hercules drives Geryones’ cattle. (14) At the top of the throne are the sons of Tyndareos on horseback. Among those horses you have sphinxes and monsters running up, on one side a leopard, on Polydeukes a lioness. At the very top of the throne is a group of dancers, residents of Magnesia who built that throne together with Bathykles. (15) Having come under the throne you counted from the inside from the Tritons the hunt for the Kalydonian boar, Heracles killing the sons of Aktor and Kalais and Zetes chasing the harpies away from Phineus. Peirithoos and Theseus have stolen Helen, Heracles strangles the lion, and Apollo and Artemis shoot Tityos. (16) The battle of Herakles against the centaur Oreios is depicted and of Theseus against the Minotauros. Heracles’ wrestling match with Achelous is also depicted, as well as the myths about Hera, how she was tied by Hephaistos, the plays that Akastos held in honor of his father and the stories about Menelaus and the Egyptian Proteus from the Odyssey. Finally, you have Admetos, who harnesses a boar and a lion as draft animals for his chariot, and the Trojans, who bring libations for Hektor.

19 (1) The throne does not form an uninterrupted whole where the god would sit, but has several seats, at each seat a considerable space has been left open and especially the middle part is very spacious and there is also the statue. (2) I don’t know anyone who has calculated the exact size of the statue, but by way of estimate it could be 30 cubits high. The sculpture is not the work of Bathykles, but it is ancient and made without much art skill. Because apart from the fact that it has a face and hands and feet, it further resembles a pillar of bronze. He has a helmet on his head and a lance and a bow in his hands. (3) The pedestal of the statue is in the shape of an altar and they say that Hyakinthos is buried there. At the Hyakinthos Festival they make sacrifices of the dead to Hyakinthos for the sacrifice to Apollo through a bronze door into that altar. That door is on the left side of the altar. The altar has in relief on one side an image of Biris and on the other side of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Zeus and Hermes are talking to each other and nearby are Dionysos and Semele, with Ino next to her. (4) Also Demeter, Kore and Plouton are depicted on that altar, with them you see the Moiren and the Horai and together with them Aphrodite, Athena and Artemis. They take Hyakinthos to heaven plus Polyboia, as they call the sister of Hyakinthos, who died an unmarried girl. In this relief Hyakinthos already has a beard, but Nikias, the son of Nikomedes, painted him extremely cleverly, referring to Apollo’s mythical love for Hyakinthos. (5) On the altar is also depicted Heracles, taken to heaven by Athena and the other gods